Satisfied Clients
Our Story

Neil had 5-years remining before retirement when he sat down with Senior Consultant Eric Steffy.
As they talked about Neil’s dreams for the future, Eric learned that Neil loves fishing, and that his hopes for retirement included having enough money to buy a fishing boat so he could spend time doing what he loved.
Neil had shared his dreams for 5-years from now. Then, Eric and Neil discussed how much Neil would need every month, for as long as he lived.
They agreed to meet the following week. So, Eric returned to his office to begin Neil’s Benefit Analysis.
“I’d also like to save enough to purchase a boat,” said Neil.
Eric knew Neil was hoping for a plan that would allow him to retire in 5-years. Eric worked the math, then worked it again. From time to time, Eric has to advise people to work a bit longer in order to achieve their goals.
But, the following week, when Neil and Eric sat down to review his benefits, Eric had a surprise.
Not only was Neil’s retirement within reach, but Eric showed Neil that he had enough resources to retire today if he wanted.
As for the boat….
Neil’s Dream
Eric put together an income-flow that showed Neil how he already had the savings to purchase that boat now, without impacting what he needed in retirement.
Neil retired 90-days later.
He now spends his summers in Pennsylvania fishing with his son.
And, he winters in Florida, taking friends who visit out fishing with him.