Short-Term Income
Close the gap
while you’re in between
A) Short-Term Jobs
Consider a Gig job to bring in added income while you job-search and go through the application process. Gigging demonstrates your initiative and can even provide you with experiences that enhance your resume.
A Gig job can be anything from providing rides for people or products to high-level administrative or technical services, and everything in between.
A gig is driven by the business market which needs individuals willing to earn income for on-demand, short-term assignments, tasks, or jobs.
Note that gig workers do not earn holiday or sick leave, and generally experience fluctuating wages.
In exchange, a gig worker earns an income; though creating a long-term, stable income through gigs depends on various factors such as your location, the number of hours you are willing to commit, how strategic you are with your schedule, and how willing you are to balance personal boundaries with the hard-work that goes into establishing yourself in a new field.
As with any new job, expect an initial learning curve, and bring your patience - for yourself and others.
B) Upside of Short-Term Gigs
Gigging gives you flexibility; allowing you to work less or more according to your needs.
When you work in a gig economy, you also have the ability to choose the type of work you do, allowing you to experience different roles. If you don’t like a particular gig or the culture, you don’t have to continue working with them once the shift or contract is complete.
While your gig may not be your “dream job,” be open to the possibility that it will gift you with insights and understanding that will benefit you in ways that may not be obvious until down the road.
In fact, a gig could be just what you need to land your next, great job. With the large variety of available gigs, you have opportunities to look for short-term jobs that contribute to the skill set you need to be even more employable. Gigging allows you to gain relevant experience as you prepare to land your dream job.
Finally, if you’re feeling discouraged about being severed, about losing a career and community you care about, and perhaps feeling like your work was needed but in the end was unappreciated - this may be your moment to discover what else you might love to do.
Try a few gigs until you find what makes you feel alive, what holds possibilities for the future. Then, continue down that gig path for a bit, with the intent to lay the groundwork for for your next great career.
A short-term Gig might be the perfect way to close the short-term income-gap.
Read below to find resources on short-term gigs, remote gigs, and available Federal Government jobs.
Real Advice from the Experts
Next, let’s search the job market to discover what’s out there, what interests you, and what skills you may want to add to your portfolio of capabilities.
Private Sector Jobs
Check out remote jobs
Federal Jobs
Check out short-term jobs
(January 20, 2025)
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including sections 3301, 3302, and 7511 of title 5, United States Code, it is hereby ordered:
Section 1. Policy. American citizens deserve an excellent and efficient Federal workforce that attracts the highest caliber of civil servants committed to achieving the freedom, prosperity, and democratic rule that our Constitution promotes...
Sec. 2. Federal Hiring Plan. (a) Within 120 days of the date of this order, the Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy, in consultation with the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, the Director of the Office of Personnel Management, and the Administrator of the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE), shall develop and send to agency heads a Federal Hiring Plan that brings to the Federal workforce only highly skilled Americans dedicated to the furtherance of American ideals, values, and interests.
(b) This Federal Hiring Plan shall:
(i) prioritize recruitment of individuals committed to improving the efficiency of the Federal government…
(ii) prevent the hiring of individuals based on their race, sex, or religion…
(iii) implement…technical and alternative assessments as required by the Chance to Compete Act of 2024;
(iv) decrease government-wide time-to-hire to under 80 days;
(v) improve communication with candidates to provide greater clarity regarding application status, timelines, and feedback...
(vi) integrate modern technology to support the recruitment and selection process…
(vii) ensure Department and Agency leadership…are active participants throughout the full hiring process.
(c) This Federal Hiring Plan shall include specific agency plans to improve the allocation of Senior Executive Service positions … as required by law,.
(d) Hiring Plan shall provide specific best practices for the human resources function in each agency…
Sec. 3. Accountability and Reporting. (a) The Director of the Office of Personnel Management shall establish clear performance metrics to evaluate the success of these reforms…
(b) The Office of Personnel Management shall consult with Federal agencies, labor organizations, and other stakeholders to monitor progress…
Sec. 4. General Provisions. (a) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect… the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals… This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations…
THE WHITE HOUSE, January 20, 2025.

Take these steps immediately; what to file for now
Decide which Benefits to keep; health & life Insurance
Ways to close the short-term income-gap; earning guidelines for gig, contract work and more
Level-up your Skillset to land the job you want
& Social Media Do’s & Don’ts
Increase your liklihood of landing the job you want

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