#4 Strategize
for Your Future

Do the Important Things

1) Respect Your Reputation

Don’t vent on Social. Your posts will outlast your beliefs about this moment.

A. Try to keep in mind that your posts will outlast your very strong beliefs about this moment.

B. You want your next Hiring Manager or Supervisor to see you at your best, not have a look into your inner workings when you’re feeling a bit unglued. And, they will look at your posts to see if you will make a good addition to their team.

Whether you just post to stay connected to your community, or want to shape culture with what you post - your social media profile is an extension of your personal brand. Your posts give the world a glimpse of who you are, making it an irresistible and accessible tool for hiring managers to view during the application process.

In fact, not only should you post the kind of things you’d want a future hiring manager to see - but you should take this moment to scrub your social media of items that would make you a less attractive hire. Studies show that 74% of hiring managers will check out applicants’ social media

Instead of picking up a social-megaphone, consider talking it out with a trusted friend, counselor, or even a journal.

Don’t be alone with your anger, sadness, or fears about the future - you’ll heal more quickly if you have a safe place to work through those feelings. Just don’t mistake Social Media for that safe place.


Real Advice from the Experts

2) Learn About Your Next Job

1. By: FEDweek Staff

Are you thinking about signing up for a self-study program to advance your career? There are a number of online certification programs that can help you increase your skills and knowledge base, and perhaps your career.

Here are some pros and cons to signing up for one of these programs.

• Many of these programs offer affordable, self-study options for continuing education and professional development.
• These certificate programs can be an option for those seeking to boost their qualifications for an entry-level position in the field.
• Once completed, you can add your new credential to your resume and LinkedIn profile.
• Completing the certification can prepare you for other certification programs and/or provide college credit at certain institutions.
• Financial aid may be available for some programs (a discount off the cost of the course). You can complete an application that includes information about your educational background, career goals, and financial circumstances.
• Your current employer may reimburse you for completing the certification.
• Completing a certification demonstrates your commitment to taking responsibility for advancing your career.

• The certificate itself may not be enough to secure an interview or a job.
• Certification is not a substitute for a relevant degree or direct work experience.
• Some people who have completed the course say that the coursework was too broad or generalized to be useful.
• Because the courses that make up the certifications are self-paced, you must be self-motivated to watch the videos, take the quizzes, and complete the exercises.
• The cost may vary significantly; make sure you understand whether the course is offered on a platform that requires a subscription or is a flat fee. If you complete the certification but forget to cancel your subscription, you will pay significantly more for the certification.

ployees Health Benefits (FEHB).

  • Coverage under the Federal Dental and Vision Insurance Program ends upon separation.

3) Make a Plan &
Work Your Plan

Both Federal Employees’ Group Life Insurance and Federal Employees Health Benefits coverage continue free of charge for 31 days after a RIF separation.

  • Health & Life in Retirement | If you are facing a severance action, know that if you qualify for retirement (ask a Federal Solutions Expert if you have questions), you can carry FEHB and FEGLI coverage into retirement under the same terms as voluntary retirees.

  • Life | For those not Retiring | FEGLI coverage can be continued for up to 18 months by paying both the employer and employee share of the premium plus an administrative fee.

    • One reason you might want to keep your Federal Life Insurance is that you now know of a physical condition that would make you uninsurable (for Life Insurance). In this instance, especially, paying for your FEGLI Life Insurance (our of your picket) may be a good choice for you - as you can continue your current FEGLI coverage (converting it an individual policy) without needing to take a physical exam.

    • Similarly, coverage under the Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program continues so long as the enrollee continues to pay the premiums.

    • Depending on your circumstances, you may want to choose a non-government plan that gives you greater control of the cost, the benefits received, and even the possibility of accessing one of the newer formulations which allows your Life Insurance to double for Long Term Care Insurance. Ask a Federal Solutions Expert if you want to learn more.

  • Health | For those not Retiring | FEHB coverage can be continued for up to 18 months by paying both the employer and employee share of the premium plus an administrative fee.

    • Coverage under the Federal Dental and Vision Insurance Program ends upon separation.

C) Your Mental Health

You must deal with the practical matters - financing your home, auto, your budget, and your benefits. Some people cope with stress by wanting to hide under the covers, while others bury themselves in projects. Allow those close to you to know your coping style and how they might support you as you grieve the lose of a job, income, community, and sometimes a sense of purpose.

That said, you are not your job - and what you contribute to our world, our society, and your community matters. Make sure to practice some self-care by doing the things that restore your sense of balance; meet with a friend, update your social media (i.e. LinkedIn) in a way that builds for your future and isn’t a deterrent to landing your next job.

Some places to find help include: Betterhelp.com, 988lifeline.org, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, the American Psychological Association's Psychologist Locator, and National Register of Health Service Psychologists.

Let’s decide what you’re aiming for - then plan to hit that target.

Benefits Analysis - Federal Solutions

Real Advice from the Experts

Federal Severance & Your Benefits

More than 200,000 Federal Employees have had their roles eliminated at more than a dozen agencies in 2025. This is on-par with President Clinton’s 1990’s government-shrinking initiative which cut more than 400,000Federal Employees.

Additionally, this year 75,000 Federal Employees accepted the Fork In The Road BuyOut, an opt-in payment for voluntarily stepping down from the Federal Government.

A common question during BuyOuts, VERA Offers and Severance includes questions around loss of Benefits. If you have already qualified for Lifetime Benefits (Federal Employees Retirement System, FERS) - you remain entitled three retirement benefits. 

  • The Basic Retirement benefit

  • Your Social Security benefit

  • Your Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) payout

If, however, you have been severed from the Federal government for cause, such as not coming into the office, you may lose benefits like health insurance and also may not qualify for unemployment benefits.

Beyond outright defiance of workplace policies, United States law states that a Federal Employee forfeits their retirement benefits when a court convicts them of one of several specific crimes, including:  

  • Harboring or concealing persons,

  • Delivering defense information to aid a foreign government,

  • Treason,

  • Enlistment to serve against the United States,

  • False testimony before a federal court, and

  • Rebellion.

Should you resign rather than wait for a severance notice?

While resigning can maintain the integrity of your employment record and give you a measure of control over your employment situation, there are drawbacks;

  • Resigning without cause can cause you to lose your unemployment benefits.

  • Resigning without cause can hinder any future legal defense.

  • Resigning can mean that you will lose your Government-paid, Health Benefits (for life) if you have not yet met the following requirements:

    • Eligibility: Determined by your age and number of years of creditable service.

    • Minimum Retirement Age (MRA): You must have reached the MRA to receive retirement benefits.

    • Length of Service: Add all your periods of creditable service and eliminate any fractional part of a month from the total.

    • High-3 Average Pay: The highest average basic pay earned during any 3 consecutive years of service.

    • Continuation of FEHB: If you wait to retire at your MRA and have had FEHB coverage for the past five years, you can continue FEHB into retirement at the same rate paid by federal employees.

If you have a Security Clearance, there is the possibility that you will lose this status (if the government deems you ineligible), or that it’s provision will expire while you are between positions.

Ask an Expert for OPM-aligned advice on next steps.

Best Advice?

Don’t vent on Social.
Your posts will outlast your beliefs about this moment.

You want your next Hiring Manager or Supervisor to see you at your best, not have a look into your inner workings when you’re feeling a bit unglued.

Instead, talk it out with a trusted friend, counselor, or even a journal.

Take these steps immediately; what to file for now

Decide which Benefits to keep; health & life Insurance

Ways to close the short-term income-gap; earning guidelines for gig, contract work and more

Level-up your Skillset to land the job you want
& Social Media Do’s & Don’ts

Increase your liklihood of landing the job you want

Federal Benefits | Options

